Friday, July 22, 2011

God's Love

My Godkids call it the pig book.  It’s one of several children’s books that I (Aimee) own and keep handy to read to them if they’re at my house at nap time or bed time.  And it’s easily my favorite of all that they have to choose from.

Sidney and Norman: A Tale of Two Pigs, is a beautiful story about God’s love told by the enormously talented Phil Vischer (creator of VeggieTales).  If you’ve never read it, I highly recommend it.  It’s not some silly kid’s book (although, as evidenced by my Godkids, children enjoy it very much).  It’s a great story for anyone of any age, but perhaps adults most simply because we get it faster than kids do.  The point of the story is not lost on us.  And the point is love.

I don’t want to give it all away.  So let me just say that Sidney and Norman are two very different pigs, but God loves both of them anyway.  When they receive that news, it affects each of them in a very different and specific way.  When you read the story, you’ll most likely find yourself identifying with Sidney or Norman, and so, the change that takes place in them touches your heart as well.  (Personally, I’m a Norman.  When you read the book, you’ll understand.)

God loves you just as you are.

You can’t earn His love.

He doesn’t love you more or less than He loves anyone else. 

God doesn’t play favorites.

You don’t deserve His love.

And so, you can never cause Him to stop loving you.

God loves you just as you are.

What difference does that knowledge make in your life?

What’s your story?

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