Monday, November 21, 2011

Sweet Spot

Recently, I (Aimee) attended a workshop that was all about understanding what specific mission God created me for.  The man leading the workshop asked the question: where is your “sweet spot”?

I want to ask you that same question.  Do you know where your “sweet spot” is?  Where you shine?  What God created you for?

I don’t mean in the big picture, what were we created for, in general.  I mean you, specifically.  What is it that God created you to do?  To be?

I know that Sherann’s passion is to share the Gospel with young people.  I know that my passion is to help young people who are struggling with their faith.  But we’ve also put a lot of time and thought and prayer into figuring these things out. 

What about you?  Have you put in the time, the thought, and the prayer to figuring out where God wants you to be?

If you're asking yourself why this matters, then let me ask you one more question that the man leading the workshop asked us: are you willing to let go of the good stuff in order to take a hold of the best stuff?

God has a plan for you.  He created you with that plan in mind.  He wants the best for you.  And the best for you is to do what you were created for.  So, where's your "sweet spot"?

What’s your story?

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