Monday, February 6, 2012

investment [people]

i'm (sherann) sitting here in my office wondering what to write.  you see.. so much has been going on that i can spew out so many stories, but i figured you wouldn't want to read all that...
so, today... i want to talk about investment.  not financial investment, (i hate math. seriously. hate numbers. thankfully my brother is in the numbers business), but investment in people. 
growing up, i had a few influencial people that impacted my spiritual journey because of their investment in my life.  they met with me once a week at starbucks, taught me about worship every sat. mornings, let me sit in on leadership discussions/team meetings, prayed with and for me, taught me how to be a servant, taught me how to trust God in good times and bad...
yes, they made a significant dent in my spiritual journey, but it was more than what they said, but rather what they demonstrated that influenced my life.  You see, it was the conversations we had at Starbucks, eating at restaurants, going shopping, spending time in their homes that i learned so much about Jesus.  It was how they demonstrated Jesus on a daily basis that made the greatest impact on my life because I had the opportunity to see Jesus up close.  truth is... i don't remember everything they said, but i do remember how they paid for my meals when they didn't have to, came to my workplace (just because), took me out when i was down... it was because of their investment that continues to influence what i do to this very day.

And you know... Scripture is also filled with "people investors": Moses-Joshua/Eli-Samuel/David-Solomon/Naomi-Ruth/John the Baptist-disciples/Jesus-12/Paul-Timothy

now, i'm pretty sure they didn't have starbucks back then, but they did spend time in boats, homes, or just walking on the dirt roads.. 

but here's a question i want to ask you.. are you a people investor? are you investing in someone?  and i'm not saying that you should just randomly find someone, but have you prayed that God would put someone on your heart to simply share and show Jesus on a daily basis?weekly basis? monthly basis? 
let's be honest. we all  need to eat or go on a starbucks run... so invite someone with you and start sharing life together.  it doesn't have to be extravagent or huge.. just an open heart to let God use you.. and you'll be surprised at how simple conversations, prayer, buying a meal can influence someone forever. 

it happened to me.

soli deo gloria

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