Friday, April 27, 2012


For several reasons, I (Aimee) have been home most of this week rather than out working. I’ve spent the time working on my writing and doing different projects for my church. Perhaps nothing terribly exciting for anyone but me. And that’s ok. Cause what it’s meant is that I’ve been able to spend a lot of time with the Lord this week. 

Reading my Bible at my leisure.
Taking time to stop and pray.
Praising Him with music.

It’s been pretty powerful. One of the neatest things that has come out of all of this has been that I’ve been able to encourage Sherann. 

As I’ve been going about my different activities I kept coming across things that made me think of Sherann. So I would send her a quick text message or a note on Facebook. The confirmation that she needed was being revealed to me so that I could share it with her, so that she could know that it was from God and not just her imagination.

Have you ever had that happen to you? Either you discovered that you were confirming something for someone else? Or God was confirming things directly to you?

What was it like? How did it make you feel?

Or are you ignoring His communications? Many of us are guilty of that from time to time, if not often.

If you’ve been looking for confirmation from God, but haven’t been getting it, then let me offer you a story. 

Once, there was a flood. Authorities told people to evacuate while they still had time. A man refused to leave his home. And he went inside and prayed for God to save him. “It’s ok,” he told his neighbors. “God will save me.”

The flood waters rose and the man went to the second floor of his home to escape the water. He sat by his window and prayed for God to save him. Just then, a rescue boat came by and offered to take the man away to safety. “No thanks,” he said to his would-be-rescuers. “God will save me.”

The flood waters continued to rise and the man was forced to his roof in order to avoid being swept away. He kneeled on his roof and prayed for God to save him. Just then, a rescue helicopter came by and offered to take the man away to safety. “No thanks,” he said to his would-be-rescuers. “God will save me.”

Then, the flood waters rose, the man was swept away and he died. The man went to Heaven. He approached the Lord and asked, “Lord, I prayed and prayed. Why didn’t you save me?”

The Lord answered him, “I told you to evacuate. I sent you a boat. AND I sent you a helicopter. You didn’t get the message!”

Are you getting His messages? Are you open to hearing from Him? Are you paying attention? He’s talking to you, I have no doubt. You just need to listen.

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