Friday, October 29, 2010

Celebrating Life

There are lot’s of birthdays happening in my (Aimee's) family right now.  We had one this week, one next week, and one the week after that.

I love birthdays.  No matter how old I get, I will always enjoy celebrating my birthday and those of the people I love.  Every birthday represents another year of blessings to be grateful for.  Grateful for the blessings in their life.  Grateful for the blessing of their life.

Every birthday should be celebrated for great joy and praise to God.  Every new birthday is a gift.  Actually, every day should be celebrated with joy and praise to God.  Every new day is a gift.  None of us know how long we are going to be on the earth.  So we should savor each day.  Enjoy the beauty of God's creation, the love of your family and friends.  God intended for our lives here on earth to have joy; otherwise he wouldn't have created us to have relationships with one another, he wouldn't have made food enjoyable, etc.  He could have made us like the other animals who merely live to survive.  Instead, He created us for more.  Savor that!  Celebrate that!  Praise God for that!

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