Saturday, October 9, 2010


I (Sherann) was listening to a podcast the other day and something about the pastor's analogy really struck a chord in me.  It wasn't a fancy statement, but it was definitely one that left a bitter-sweet after taste in my mouth.  He started to talk about how much he despised his first job selling fireworks.  Fireworks and hate?  No way! How could anyone hate fireworks?  Well, this pastor did and the fireworks became less appealing to him.  But, this is the part that really grabbed my attention.  The pastor went on to say that when we constantly see God do AMAZING things in our churches, friends, community, family and especially in our lives, we start to become susceptible to see God's extraordinary blessings and promises dwindle to something that's just...well...ordinary.  (My summary of the pastor's point)  I remember going to Disneyland with my family and to be honest, the best part of the experience was watching the fireworks they showed every night.  I loved watching the neat designs and colors in the night sky.  The first time was great, but the second time around was rather less exciting.  In my life, I've seen and experienced God do so many amazing things that it used to give me chills.  And I still get the chills, but it's not the same as if I was watching the fireworks for the first time.  I've realized that my view of God's amazing power has become nothing more than watching the fireworks over and over again.  Ordinary.
But the more I listened, the more I didn't want or even need that type of perspective in my life.  I don't want to look through the lens of the ordinary, but rather with lens that sees every work of God to be extraordinary.  Why?  Because when the Lord is working and transforming lives, they are always extraordinary!

What's your story?

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