Wednesday, February 9, 2011

More Than Enough

I (Aimee) attended a Bible study last week, and the subject of prayer came up.  A couple of the people there admitted that one of their biggest problems with prayer comes from the feeling that when there are things weighing on your mind and you need someone to talk to that God is not enough. 

Have you ever had that feeling?  You know, when you really feel the need to talk to someone and God speaks to your heart and says, “Well, why don’t you talk to me about it?”  And you, very politely, respond, “I’m sorry Lord.  I know You love me, but You’re not enough right now.  I need someone physically standing in front of me to talk to.” 

When they shared their struggles, I had to admit that I have felt that way in the past also. 

Ephesians 3:20-21 says:
Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! (NIV)
Paul’s words are praising God because he knows that God is fully capable of fulfilling every need, and beyond that, He is capable of going above and beyond what we need.  What an awesome and powerful God we serve!

And we can’t forget Chris Tomlin’s great song, “Enough.”  In the chorus of that song he says:
All of you
is more than enough for
all of me,
for every thirst and
every need. 
You satisfy me
with your love
and all I have in you
is more than enough.

While the reality is that God is more than enough, the other side of that reality is that there are times when God does not feel like enough. 

I remember when I was in college (before my career change, before my time at CalBaptist), I went through a period where I felt God’s silence.  Every prayer that I offered, every conversation that I tried to have was answered with silence … and it was maddening!  Even at the time, I didn’t doubt God’s existence, and I even believed that His silence was His answer, but somehow that made it even worse.  Now, about 10 years later, I look back and I think that I understand why things happened the way that they did.  And, perhaps even more importantly, I learned something about what to do when that feeling that God is not enough comes on.

First, you recognize the truth that God is always enough and truly more than enough.  If you need to print out the Bible verse and keep it somewhere that you can see it or get to it easily to help you remember, then do it.  But you need to recognize its truth.  God is always enough.  Second, you recognize the truth that any feeling that God is not enough comes from a failing on my part, not God’s.  The truth is that God is perfect and we are imperfect.  It shouldn’t be too surprising to recognize that feelings that would lead us to think that God is less than perfect are actually our problem and not His.  Then, once you’ve acknowledged these things, you pray.  You ask God to help you work through it.

God knows that we are imperfect, and He still calls us and loves us and desires to have a relationship with us.  He’s willing to work with us.  We simply have to be willing to work with Him.  We have to acknowledge our failings and ask for help.  James 1:5 says:
If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Maybe it’s a little over simplistic to say, just realize the truth and then pray.  But, the fact remains that that is exactly what we need to do.  It may not always be easy to remember or even to do.  But it’s necessary.  So, we read the Word.  We encourage and remind one another.  And we grow.  And it gets easier.  Slowly … with the Lord’s help.His.

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