Friday, February 18, 2011

Walking for Spiritual Health

Have you ever been on a prayer walk?

Do you know what prayer walking is?

Prayer walking is taking a walk through an area (your neighborhood, for example) with the specific purpose of praying for the people around you.  Even more specifically, you pray for their spiritual well-being.

I’ll admit that I (Aimee) have never done this.  I have sort-of, almost done something like it in the past, but it wasn’t in my neighborhood ... not quite the same thing.

Part of the reason for this is that I had never even heard of such a thing until a couple of years ago.  I grew up in the church, but my church didn’t teach me about these things.  Then, my second pathetic excuse is that my faith wasn’t strong enough.  My understanding of and belief in the power of prayer has grown dramatically in the last few years.  I have no excuse for not doing it recently.

I don’t know all of my neighbors’ names.  But God does.  I don’t know where all of my neighbors’ are spiritually.  But God does.  The great thing about prayer is that you don’t have to have all of the right words, you just have to have the right heart.

I want to encourage you to prayer walk your own neighborhood.  Or your work.  Or your school.  Pray for the people around you.  God knows who they are and He knows their needs. 

So, prayer walk your neighborhood.  Let us know how it goes.
I’ll prayer walk my neighborhood.  I’ll let you know how it goes.

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