Wednesday, April 27, 2011

it's scribbled

A bit about Sherann.... part 2.

I carry two journals.  Yes, two!  I am infatuated with 3 things.  1. Bibles 2. Cups 3. Journals.  I love the way each journal has it's own character and texture.  There have been so many moments where God impressed so many things on my heart that I figured I would remember it later.  Unfortunately, I never got around to remembering it... For those of you who may be wondering why I have two... well, the first one is a medium moleskine journal for all my thoughts, convictions, praises, experiences on the road, etc.  I capture all my "God moments" in this one.  The picture on the left are two of my journal entries.  The second journal (ecosystem- it even has a tracking number so you can find out what materials were used in making your journal.  Go GREEN!) is a bit bigger in size, but it's filled with notes and scribbles for speaking engagements.  It's messy but I love it.  I don't know about you, but i love to scribble.  There's such a freedom in being creative.  Do you have a journal?  What kind and what do you scribble??

soli deo gloria

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