Saturday, January 7, 2012

Tongue Tied

Have you ever heard that saying: the more you learn, the more you learn how much you don't know.  It's really true.  On several levels.  I (Aimee) don't know why that seems to be really hitting home lately in particular.  It just seems like the more I learn about God the more I seem to have trouble vocalizing things.  I can process it in my head (somewhat).  But then I try to put things into words and I can't.

How do you praise a God that you can't fully understand?  A God who is beyond words?  Especially when you consider the fact that we're so flawed ... how can we ever do justice to His glory?  And that's just one example.

Personally, I've found myself very tongue tied lately when it has come to praying for others.  People who I know are struggling and I really want to lift them up to God.  Then I find myself praying something like this:
          Lord, I want to lift up this person.  Lord, they're having a really tough
          time right now.  Of course, you know that.  You know everything.  In
          fact, I'm sure that you understand better than I do.  Anyway, my point
          is that they really need you.  I mean, well, we all need you.  But, you
          know what I mean.  Please be with them Lord.  Ok.  I know that
          you're already there with them.  You're always there.  You're every-
          where.  Thank you for that, Lord...

I've found myself stumbling over the fact that everyday I come to a better understanding of how big, how powerful, how knowledgable, and just how beyond comprehension our God is.  God already knows everything that's going on with that person I want to lift up.  God is already with that person.  The Bible tells us these things.  The Bible also tells us that we should pray for one another.  It's kinda confusing.

So, let's think about it.

When we pray for ourselves we aren't telling God anything that He doesn't already know.  But we might be admitting it to ourselves for the first time.  Entering into prayer is entering into the presence of God.  Not that He wasn't already with us.  But it brings us into a mindset where we are aware of His presence.  So, when I pray for others, I may be admitting things to myself for the first time about my relationship with that person.  I'm definately entering into God's presence.  And if I'm praying for that person while I'm with that person, then I am helping them to do the same.  Prayer is a means of encouragement to ourselves and to others.  And prayer is so many other things that I can't even put it all into words.  Tongue tied again!

But it's ok.  Because you know what else the Bible says?  It says in Romans 8:26:
          "We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself
          intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express."

God, in His loving perfection, even intercedes for us when we're trying to talk to Him.  He helps us with everything!  If we'll just be open to Him!

What an awesome God we serve!

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