Thursday, May 17, 2012


I (Sherann) was cleaning out my desk today when I stumbled across this post-it note.  Not really sure when i wrote this, but this is what it says:
if we spend our time reading, acknowledging, watching, and posting about the Hunger Games on fb... then wouldn't it be awesome if we spent time reading, meditating, and acknowledging His Word?  As I stated before, I'm not sure why i scribbled this, but IF we can adamantly post about the Hunger Games or anything else that consumes us for that matter, then why.. why don't we adamantly post or talk about what God is doing in and through our lives?  Why do we value the temporal rather than the eternal?  Why do we make idols and not surrender to the One who truly deserves our absolute allegiance?  Truth is...we are human.  we make mistakes, we lie, we cheat, we are selfish, we are greedy, we are everything that causes us to bring a great division between a HOLY, PURE, RIGHTEOUS God who doesn't even have an ounce of sin in Him.  We... are unworthy.  But to the Father... we are worthy.  Worthy enough that He would choose to send His ONE and ONLY Son into the world; taking on every characteristic and physical attributes just like you and just like me. And as the Word became flesh, He "did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.  And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross." (Phil 2. 6b-8)
Are you thinking what I'm thinking?  Jesus who became human humbled himself to die a horrible death for... me? a human?  Yeah. He did.  Why?  Because He loves you.
Let me make something clear.  I'm not going against the Hunger Games (I really enjoyed the trilogy). But, let me ask you...What are you consumed with?  Who are you talking about the most?  Perhaps, the girl sitting across the room or the guy that sits next to you in 3rd period?  If you think about it... whoever or whatever you talk or think about will reveal what you value the most.

I love this verse found in Psalm 145.5-6, which states:
 "On the glorious splendor of your majesty, and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.  They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds, and I will declare your greatness."

I don't know about you, but I want to do just that!  I want to meditate, speak, and declare His great Name! What about you? 

At the end of the day, He is worth it. And noteworthy.

soli deo gloria.

check out this awesome video by Jimmy Needham



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Reading, speaking of the Hunger Games more than we do our bible is probably no accident. We do what we enjoy and has meaning for us. It's nice to find what resonates with us, what we enjoy. We mayn't know it but God's story is the best story ever told, enjoyable too. Unlike the Hunger Games, he's real and His love, desire to change us from the inside out, holds the most meaning and enjoyment for our life right now. If we realized that, there'd be so much to say that no one could ever shut us up! Good job, Sherann, of reminding us why God is so wonderful and that His story is one we don't want to miss!

  3. I was talking to my dad about this. He was saying how so many great movies (Lord of the Rings, Matrix, etc.) are spin offs of biblical themes, The Hunger Games included. People feel free to speak about what they got out of the movie/book, whereas with the bible, sometimes, we feel less free. There is so much in the bible to discuss, but people see it as a book to thump people over the head with. People can get nervous when we start to give our interpretation of how we read the bible. Maybe, if we realized the depth that is in the bible we'd discuss it more? The bible is so interesting and engaging that if we feel like we have to be guilted into reading it, maybe we haven't begun to appreciate it's depth and meaning?

  4. Truth! I agree. it's so easy to talk about movies/books but when it comes to the Bible.. well.. everything stops. I fear the Bible has become more a 'what will i gain from reading this book'mentality rather than 'i want to know more about God'. (after all, the Bible is a story of God). my prayer is that as believers, we take the step forward to get outside the 'lets only talk about the popular things or books we've read' and continue to talk about His name! the name that has the power to save!

