Friday, May 11, 2012

A Challenge to Challenge

Can we talk about God’s Word again? Just briefly. Cause then I'm gonna give you a  challenge to go out and do!

I know. I (Aimee) have mentioned reading the Bible many times. And Sherann has mentioned it many times. What can I say?! His Word is good!

I just feel like I need to say this. Lately, I’ve been hearing about a lot of painful things happening in the lives of people around me. People that I love very much. And I just keep thinking that if they just read the Bible, that they would find the comfort that they’re looking for.

I know it isn’t always that cut and dry. And I’m that Sherann is the only one of my friends who reads her Bible. But, lately, I have had a friend confide in me, and I’ve noticed that it directly connects with what I just read in the Bible that morning. Or it connects with what I read the following morning. And, of course, I’m sharing what I read. But I still keep thinking: if more of them spent time reading His Word, they’d see it for themselves.

I’d like to offer you a challenge. In fact, it’s a challenge to challenge others. I challenge you to challenge your friends to read the Bible. If you really believe that the Word of God can do them nothing but good, then this challenge should be no big deal.

For our youth group, the other leaders and I are preparing a Bible-Read-A-Thon for our kids this summer. We are challenging them to read the Word. They will earn money for every page that they read and that money will go to help them pay for camp at the end of the summer. 

What can you do to encourage those around you to read their Bible more? What ideas do you? Share them with us all here or on our Facebook page.

But most importantly: read your Bible. Share it with others. And challenge them to read also.

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