Monday, June 18, 2012

i remember

I (Sherann) have moments where I just have to write in my journal.  Do you have those moments? Or are you a journal-freak? (meaning you need to journal everyday)  I carry a journal with me at all times to write down something that was inspiring or something God pressed on my heart.  Anyway, I recently spent a week with 24 high school/college students up at Jenness Park (Christian Camp).  BTW... These students took a leap of faith and gave up their entire summer to serve in California!  Anyway, one of those days, I led a devotional on trust and I asked them to think about one moment where God came through or revealed something significant.  And as they pondered on this, I didn't realize how important it was to challenge not only these students, but also myself in regards to remembering His faithfulness.  I had to go back and look at my past journal entries and refresh myself with what God had done in my dark moments or times when I questioned my future.  I believe we are so engrained in the present and the hopes for our future, that we often move forward (at a turtles pace) with less confidence and with more caution.  If this is the case for you... may I encourage you today to look back at all the moments when you cried out to the Father and He quietly whispered "I'm here. I love you." Hebrews 13.8 states, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  Do you know what this means?  It says that Christ who was with you in the past, will surely be with you in the present and in the future!  Now, that is good news!  When you and I look back to see how faithful He has been in the past, then we can definitely face today with the strength of Christ and press on to what lies ahead tomorrow.  

soli deo gloria

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