Friday, June 8, 2012


I (Aimee) have to. I have to talk about it. Apparently it’s a BIG thing. I’ve seen very little of it, and what I’ve seen has been pretty tame. But I’ve been told by a friend that there are some really crazy photos floating around of people doing really stupid stuff and then claiming that their reasoning (why it’s all ok) is because you only live once.

Alright, if we’re going to be honest, then we must admit that it’s true. We do, in fact, only live once … here on this earth, in this way. Absolutely true. But that’s not an excuse to be stupid.

The fact that we only live once means that we should enjoy life and that we should live the best life that we can live. In Ecclesiastes 2, it says:
A man can do nothing better than to eat and
drink and find satisfaction in his work.
If you keep reading, though, you’ll see something that is very important in understanding what all of this means. It says:
This too, I see, is from the hand of God, for
without him, who can eat or find enjoyment?

What an insane concept, right?! God wants me to enjoy life! He wants YOU to enjoy life! Wow! Did you know that?

The difference between this:

And this:

Should be obvious.

The first shows a person that is living for themselves. People who live for themselves do not find true joy in this life. They are the people who will leave this world feeling like they still missed out on stuff. And they'll be absolutely right. They keep running after happiness, but miss it with both hands because they don’t have God in their life. The second person is living for others. Maybe (hopefully) even living for God.

Go ahead, make YOLO a catch phrase with you. But do it the right way.

God gave you this one life. He gave it to you to live. But He gave it to you to live with a purpose. Experience life. And praise God for it. Pass on His Word. And praise God for it. Eat, drink, and be merry, and live like there's no tomorrow. As Christians, we believe that Jesus is coming back some day (can I get an "Amen"?!). We don't know when that day is going to be. You only live once. So live for God. Live to find His purpose for your life. Enjoy life by following Jesus’ example. Take pride in your work (yeah, that’s right, not all pride is bad). Share God’s love with others. Do all that good stuff that will make God smile down at you. That stuff that, at the end of this one life you have, God will look you in the face and say, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

You only live once. So what kind of life are you living?

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