Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Time Flies

July came and went in the blink of an eye. Well, it did for me (Aimee) anyway. What about you? Is this summer flying by faster than you ever imagined time could fly?
What have you done with your time? Have you spent it with God?
Have you spent time in prayer?
Have you spent time in worship more than just on Sunday morning?
Have you spent time sharing God's love with others?
Have you spent time telling people about the good news of Jesus Christ?

Or have you just spent your summer playing and hanging out with friends?
Or so busy with summer school and/or with work that you haven't thought about anything except getting through one day at a time?
Or sitting around at home feeling bored?

How many times do you think that God has thought about you this summer?

When you think of that, how do you think you will move forward and spend your time now?


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