Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I (Sherann) hear it quite often.  Change.  It's one of those words that can either bring you hope or shivers down your spine.  I hear people say they don't like change, but they know it's inevitable.  Change will come.  Sometimes you are ready for it and often times it comes when you least expect it.  And whether you want change or not, let me just break the ice before you read on.  Change will come.
But think back for a moment and look at all the changes that took place in your life.  And because of change you are where you are today.  Personally, who knew that a bay area girl would move to the valley. (seriously, right?)  I prepared for that and as I look back, i'm grateful for that change.
But on the other hand, I wasn't prepared for my mom to unexpectedly pass away.  It will be four months and I still haven't fully grasped this whole grieving process.  People have been telling me that I will need to adjust to the "new" normal.  In other words, change is on the horizon and I need to adjust my life towards this "new" direction... a direction without my mom.  I get that.  I understand that.  I'm working to get there.
PERHAPS, even at this very moment YOU, my friend are going through changes or change is on the horizon.  Whether you are graduating from high school/college, career choices, moving to another state, etc... I would like to share with you one truth that has kept me going.


Whatever "change" you may be facing, you and I can hold onto this truth:

My God.. YOUR God... does NOT change.  Can you just let that wash over you right now?  Our God does not change in the midst of what you are going through.

Hebrews 6:17-18 (The Message):
 "When God wanted to guarantee his promises, he gave his word, a rock-solid guarantee—God can’t break his word. And because his word cannot change, the promise is likewise unchangeable.

2 Timothy 2:13 (ESV)
"If we are faithless, he remains faithful."

I am grateful that God is an unchanging God and I can trust His promises to be true.
Today, I hope that you are reminded of His unfailing love and faithfulness.   Face your change with God before and behind you.

Because He lives... I can face tomorrow
Because He lives... all fear is gone
Because I KNOW... He holds the future
and life is worth the living just because HE LIVES!

 soli deo gloria

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