Monday, April 15, 2013

Not the Way it's Supposed to Be

Today's tragedy in Boston is just another reminder that this world is not the way that it's supposed to be.

Sin has a strong hold on humanity. The enemy holds no regard for human life. And his power over many is very strong.

In this time of despair and sadness, as individuals and families are suffering, we need to pray for those who are suffering, and we need to remember the love of God and the hope that we have in His Son, Jesus Christ.

I encourage you to turn this tragedy, this weapon of the enemy, into an opportunity to share God's love and hope. To shine His light into the darkness. To remind those who are confused, that while God allows evil to exist, it is only for a time, and it is only because we (humans) chose it over good at times. This is not the way it's supposed to be. And it's not the way that it will always be. Praise God! This is not the way that it will always be!

Acts like this are just proof that we need a savior. Which means that it is the perfect opportunity for you to share Jesus with others. This hurting broken world needs Jesus now just as much as it ever did.

Be His light in the darkness of this world. Be His hands and feet to those who are suffering. Remind them that they are not alone and that there is hope.

Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” (1 Cor 15:55)

The tomb is empty! And it isn't empty so that we can sit in it and marvel at the fact that it's empty. It's empty so we can go out and share the news with those who are suffering that death has been defeated and that our God has done, is doing, and will do great things!

Go out and tell them!



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