Friday, September 6, 2013

What do YOU think?

I know that I've (Aimee) talked about forgiveness before … but this time I want to ask you some questions about it.

The DJ on the Christian station I was listening to as I headed home was talking a little bit about forgiveness. He said that he was looking at a book about forgiveness on Amazon and that he read a review that bothered him. In the review the woman was putting down the book because she said that we are actually only supposed to forgive those who are sorry, and that the rest don't deserve our forgiveness. The DJ said that he immediately thought of Jesus' words on the cross: "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34 and Mark 11:25).
The station went back to music after that. When the song ended, a caller was asking what the DJ thought about forgiveness then if he disagreed with the woman’s comments.
His response was, "Well, I think that you give up your right to be angry with someone."
Personally, all of this really resonated with me. But I want to know what you all think.
Do you agree with the DJ or with the woman?
What are your thoughts about forgiveness?

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