Saturday, December 11, 2010

What's it All About Anyway?

Shopping, shopping, shopping and more shopping.  Or as the Grinch (in the form of Jim Carrey) put it, "gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, gifts, that's what it's always been about."  Right?

Technically he's right.  Christmas is all about a special gift that we all recieved thousands of years ago, a gift unlike any other gift any of us have ever recieved or will ever recieve again.  Can we ever compete with that?!  We shouldn't even try!  And that's probably the key.

We get so consumed with making Christmas bigger and better—more decorations, more lights, more presents (because in America we all know that bigger is better)—we forget that God made it the biggest and best that it will ever be!

And all we have to do is slow down enough and open our eyes to enjoy it!

Can you slow down?

Are your eyes open?

God wants to give you a gift again.  It's a chance to remember and re-enjoy that first and best gift.  What can you do to open yourself up to accepting His gift this Christmas?

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