Monday, December 6, 2010

Merry Christmas?

For those of you who may not know, I (Aimee) have been reading my Bible everyday working through a Bible-in-one-year program.  Every day (often first thing in the morning, though not always) I read a few chapters and then at some point in the day I take a few minutes to sit down are write my reflections on my Facebook page.

Saturday morning I read Deuteronomy 21 – 23, and just like over and over again throughout Exodus and Leviticus and Numbers and elsewhere in Deuteronomy, you see phrases like “for you were once slaves in Egypt.”  The fact that this phrase and variations on it appear over and over again in the Old Testament was not new information.  But I had always thought of it in only one way, and it occurred to me for the very first time that there is a likely second reasoning behind the repetition of the phrase.

Repetition (which I know I’ve said before, so I’m repeating also) in the Bible happens for a reason.  Things are repeated because they’re important.  They are repeated for emphasis and usually to aid in memorizing.  So what are the two points that come out of this phrase?

Well, I think that the first one is pretty obvious when you remember that the first part of the phrase is usually, “the Lord, your God, Who brought you out of Egypt.”  The power of God is being stressed.  This usually comes up when the people have messed up and are being reminded of all of the miraculous things that God did to set them free from bondage in Egypt.  We serve a mighty and powerful God!

The second point was what was new to me.  The phrase “for you were once slaves in Egypt” often comes with along with a discussion of how to treat others.  God allowed Israel to go into bondage in Egypt so that they would have more compassion and mercy on others when it was time for them to go out into their own land.  The truth of it hit me with such force it’s still resonating!

Some of you may have realized this already.  But it was all new to me!  And, as God usually does in my life, He is showing me how relevant this information is right now.

Did you know that more people are depressed at Christmas time than at any other time of year?!  The season of peace and joy is the exact opposite for many people all across the country.  Beyond that, I know several people who are dealing with the most stressful and emotionally difficult Christmas seasons of their lives, and for some it might be the most stressful and difficult season—holiday or not—ever. 

Why does God allow us to go through these difficult seasons?  Why did He allow the Israelites to go through a season of slavery (400 years of it)?!

We learn a lot in these difficult times.  And one of the most important things we can learn is how to get through it in a spiritually, emotionally/mentally, and physically healthy way so that we can help others through similar situations in the future, just as others who have been through it in the past can help us now.

Our own hardships create compassion and mercy for others when they’re dealing with their hardships.  You can’t honestly say that you understand how someone else feels unless you’ve been through the same thing.

What hardships have you been through that you learned from and can now help others through?  Or maybe you've had a difficult Christmas in the past?  What was God teaching you along the way?  How did you get through it?  What’s your story?

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