Friday, December 17, 2010

one of those days...

My (Sherann) life right now is in chaos.  And the only thing that I have on my mind is Tsunami.  Not an actual tsunami, but our Tsunami Student Conference.  Our preparations for this conference start in January and we keep going until the actual conference.  It's 9 days away and I feel a bit anxious and excited at the same time. 
We have an excellent line up this year, but more importantly, I expect God to do great things.  For the last two weeks, God has really convicted me of the same thing... He's reminded me that He is God and I am not.
There have been many times where I got discouraged about a certain project that didn't "make it" per se or no one is participating in a particular activity. Basically, I was complaining.  Then it just happened to be through conversations where God truly began to convict me and remind me that regardless of a project that didn't make the cut or even when my expectations were not met, God is still sitting on His throne.  He will take the sessions, projects, events, students, etc. and change the lives of students and student leaders that will be there.  He does not need me to accomplish His will.  He does not need my approval.  He does not work according to my agenda.  No.  That is not the the God who I worship.  The God of the Bible says that He is full of grace (hence, He uses sinners such as myself), He is love, He is the everlasting God, and He is God Almighty who will do His will as He sees fit.
And all I can do is... seek Him.

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