Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Bethany's Story

For those of you who came to Tsunami and attended the break-out session entitled, "Christianity in Real Life," you've already heard the story of Bethany Weatherill.  For those of you who weren't there, Bethany attends my (Aimee's) church and her family and mine are very close.  I already knew her story and I wanted to share it with you all so that you can be encouraged by it.

We told you at Tsunami that the video of her story would be uploaded to the website soon ... well, it's here!

We wanted to reshoot it to give you a little bit of updated news (her friend has been recently baptized, praise God!!), but we've had a few technical difficulties along the way.  But it's finally ready.

The video, unedited, shot in several takes, in my dining room, with my seven-year-old digital camera (Sherann is much more hi-tech than I am)...  It's imperfect, but it works.  If we could do it, then you can do it.

Now you know Bethany's story, what's YOUR story? 
Share it here.

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