Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Now What?

The Tsunami Student Conference is offically over.   The exhibit halls are empty.  The hot topic rooms are empty.  Students are back in their schools and respective communities. 
But you know what?
God is not done.  He is not finished with us. 
Have you ever participated in a conference/retreat and walked away blessed?  Inspired?  Moved?  I (Sherann) have. 
Now, after the conference is over, how much of what God  has done has truly transformed the way you walk with Him? 
Time and time again, I've realized that it is so easy to love the speaker, the performances, the events and walk away "amazed".  To walk away saying, "the conference/retreat was amazing!"  I don't know about you, but I said that a lot.  Then I began to see how much of what I said truly brought a life-changing transformation in the way I live on a daily basis.  And sadly... the transformation didn't stick.  It actually ended when the conference/event ended. 
But you know what?  You and I need to know that God is not finished with us.  No matter how much we have failed or walked away from Him... He has never walked away from you.  To prove it... look at the cross.  There is your answer (1 John 1:9, 4:9).
We have a choice.  A choice to follow what He has taught us and to begin to let that transform the way we think, act, and live.  If God has mightly done something in your life, whether it was at a conference/retreat, are you fighting against the temptations of this world for the still small voice from God?  Keep fixing your eyes on Jesus!  Remember, it's not the conference, or the speaker, or the retreat that saves... it's Jesus.


  1. SHERANN!! I felt that so many times in my life. To be honest, I thought the conference/ and all the events that I went to was more important than learning about Jesus. You showed me what it means, and what it takes to know Him and to develop an everlasting relationship with Jesus by walking with faith and trust. Thanks :)

  2. oh, it's grace btw :P
