Friday, January 28, 2011

Missing The Mark

For the past couple of days, I've (Sherann) been reading a book called, The Purple Pig, by Dick Eastman.  A couple friends of mine are heavily involved with the prayer movement Mr.Eastman started (hence the reason I was given the book and why I've been reading it).  In the book,  Mr. Eastman talks a lot about prayer and shared a lot of powerful stories of things that have happened during his quiet moments with the Lord.   I was inspired.  I was encouraged. I wanted that same experience.

Inside Sherann's Prayer Journey:
Lately, my prayers have been centered around His guidance, His vision, and His glory. (Esp. since I will be doing a lot more trainings/speaking in the next couple of months.)
So, I started to beg God for clarity and in the process I started to feel even more unworthy, and I started confronting God with my "BUT's." Have you ever told God about your "But's?"  For example: "But God... I can't do this!"  "But God...someone else can do a better job."  "But God... I'm not capable."  "But..."  I have... a lot! And this was certainly one of those "but" moments.  As I continued to pray, Isaiah 41 came to mind.  I tried to dismiss the verse, but I was so curious that I stopped praying and opened the Word.  I came upon this...
          "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God;
          I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my
          righteous right hand." -Isaiah 41:10 (ESV)

To be honest with you... I thought.. okay, that's great... BUT I need to really hear from you.  Some type of vision like Mr. Eastman (The Purple Pig).  Then I read a little further in Isaiah and came upon this:
          "For I, the Lord your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to
          you, 'Fear not, I am the one who helps you.'" - Isaiah 41:13 (ESV)

Again, BUT God... it would be nice to let me know you are listening...
I was so discouraged and disappointed that I ended my prayer time.
The next morning as I was getting ready for work, I started to think about Isaiah 41 and then it hit me! You see, I was so focused on how I wanted God to reveal Himself (Perhaps in the way He did with Mr. Eastman) that I had completely missed out on the fact that God was answering and revealing Himself that night.  He was telling me exactly what I needed to hear!  But, I missed it!

After repenting,  I can't tell you how encouraging these verses have been.  It has truly changed my attitude as well as my anxious thoughts.
You know... God is always revealing Himself to us.  (Look at His creation)  But, He will reveal Himself in the way He wants to and not in the way you may want Him to.  He may reveal Himself in visions like He did with Mr. Eastman or He may quietly speak to you in a whisper. (2 Kings 19)

Regardless, our list of conditions may be our biggest hindrance from listening to the Lord.
What are your conditions?  Are you willing to let them go?

soli deo gloria.

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