Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

What did you do to honor your father this weekend?
How did you show him how much you love and appreciate him?
Do you have a bar-b-que?
Did you buy him a new tie or some gadget that he's been wanting?

What about your heavenly Father?

Not all of us have an earthly father that inspires love and admiration.
But we all have a heavenly Father that loves us dearly ...
A heavenly Father who knows us better than we know ourselves and loves us anyway...
A heavenly Father who will never abandon us no matter what happens or how we behave ...
A heavenly Father who has watched every mistake we've ever made with sadness and pain ...
A heavenly Father that still loves us so much, and desires our betterment to such a degree, that He became a human and died for us.

What have you done to show Him your love and appreciation?
What will you do?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


  I (Aimee) don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned my father before.  When I was in high school, my father was arrested and went to prison for several years.  I haven’t actually seen him since then.  It’s been about 15 years.

I have many happy memories with my father.  But around the time that I was in junior high school my father changed.  He became verbally abusive.  He isolated himself from us more and more.  I avoided him more and more, because anytime I was around him he just yelled at me and put me down anyway.  But I never hated him.  I hated the person that he had become.  That person was not the father that I had loved.  So, when I came home from school one day to hear my grandmother say that he was gone, I didn’t cry.  For several weeks, in fact, I didn’t cry.  Then, one morning at school, I broke down in hysteric sobs and they didn’t stop for several hours.

Initially, I was so busy with the life of an upcoming graduate (trying to finish well, figuring out where to go to college, getting all the paperwork correct for financial aid, school activities, church activities, etc. etc.) that I didn’t take much time to think about it at first.  My father was gone.  There was good and bad to that.  I mourned, but then I pushed it aside.  Kind of like Scarlett O’Hara, I said to myself, “If I think about it now I’ll just go crazy.  I’ll think about it tomorrow.”

I’ve worked a lot on what to do with all of this since then.  I still don’t have all of the answers.  For the longest time, I struggled with forgiveness.  Not my willingness to give it, but did I need to give it.  You see, my father’s civil crimes were not against me.  So, for many years, I didn’t think that it was my forgiveness that was needed.  It was a long time before I could admit to myself how much his neglect and his insults and his choosing this other life over a life with me had really affected me.  That's when, I realized that I needed to forgive him.  And that was when I was able to start forgiving him.

I definitely don’t know everything about forgiveness.  But I’ve picked up a few things from my own experiences, from talking with others, from books, and from classes:
1.   Forgiveness is a process.  Faster or slower depending on the circumstances.
2.   Forgiveness does not have to be requested to be given.
3.   Forgiveness can be more of a gift to you than to the person you are forgiving.
4.   When someone has wronged you, they have the right to ask for forgiveness.  You have the right to say that you will work on it.
5.   (This goes along with #4) God expects you to forgive others.  Always.  Every time.  As many times as it takes.
6.   Forgiving does not mean (nor should it mean) forgetting.  But not forgetting does not give you permission to throw someone’s mistakes in their face.

And perhaps most importantly…
7.   No one deserves forgiveness.  Not even you.  But God forgave you anyway.

I’m still working on it.  And I may be working on it for the rest of my life.  I hope not.  But I don’t know God’s plans.  I need His wisdom and His mercy, but I’m so flawed I can only take it in doses.  He’s working on me (thank God!) and I have to be open to Him.  I can't do it without Him.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Presence of God

This weekend my (Aimee’s) mother and grandmother left to go visit my brother and his family.  So, I was all alone here at the house with the dogs from late Thursday evening until Sunday evening.

Normally, I hate being home alone that long.  It’s fine for a day.  I can find plenty to do, or there are friends to pass the time with.  It’s the nights that are hard.  So, usually if they are going to be gone (which isn’t often), I call some friend to come and stay with me so that I don’t have to be alone.

The problem is that Sherann lives 4 hours away and my closest friends that live locally were all either out of town also or occupied with business.  There was no one to come and stay with me.  As I realized this Thursday night—walking around in my backyard with my hands free device calling people as I watered the vegetable garden—I remembered what I had said to my mother when she was getting ready to leave.  I had told her that I was looking forward to having alone time with God, praying and reading my Bible.  I had completely forgotten and I had been trying desperately to figure out who could come and stay with me so I wouldn’t be alone.  But God hadn’t forgotten.

I’m not going to say that I spent the whole weekend praying and reading my Bible.  That’s not what happened, although I did do those things.  But what was so great was the fact that I never felt alone.  I wasn’t lonely.  For the first time, probably ever, being home “alone,” I knew I wasn’t alone.  God was with me.

His presence brought me joy and peace.  He helped me to see the many blessings in my life right here in my own home.  He reminded me that I am never alone and that I am loved.

I still can’t quite put the feeling into words … and that’s saying something, cause I like words and I’m generally good with them (Another gift from God.  Thank you, Lord.).  All I know is that I wasn’t alone this weekend.  God was more than enough to meet all of my needs this weekend.  It was an experience that I had been praying for.  And it’s one that has planted a renewed desire to draw closer to Him as I strive to be able to recognize every day that He is always more than enough to meet my needs.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Flesh vs. Spirit

I (sherann) hear this a lot... "don't ask God for patience because He will give it to you."  For the past couple of weeks, I've been having issues with FedEx.  They didn't correct the address, the driver dropped it off at the wrong location, they didn't retrieve the package on the day they said they would, and finally... the package was on the wrong truck.  Let me tell you... I was upset!  Nothing seemed to go as planned, I really wanted this shipment, and in the middle of all this chaos... I was in a battle with my flesh.  My flesh wanted to be rude to the customer service representative.  My flesh wanted to say some not so nice things.  My flesh screamed "they don't deserve kindness!" My flesh wanted nothing more than to point the finger at them!  "It's YOUR fault!"
I deserve and have the right to feel this way, right?  I have the right to give them what they deserve, right?  And even though they were at the wrong, my spirit was screaming, be merciful.  My spirit was telling me to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  My spirit was telling me to be patient.  My spirit was telling me to be salt and light.  My spirit was telling me to BE Jesus.  I was definitely frustrated, but one thing I do know... even though I deserve death, He gave me grace.  "For it is by grace you have been saved..." Ephesians 1:8

What about you?  How would you react?

soli deo gloria