Monday, June 6, 2011

Presence of God

This weekend my (Aimee’s) mother and grandmother left to go visit my brother and his family.  So, I was all alone here at the house with the dogs from late Thursday evening until Sunday evening.

Normally, I hate being home alone that long.  It’s fine for a day.  I can find plenty to do, or there are friends to pass the time with.  It’s the nights that are hard.  So, usually if they are going to be gone (which isn’t often), I call some friend to come and stay with me so that I don’t have to be alone.

The problem is that Sherann lives 4 hours away and my closest friends that live locally were all either out of town also or occupied with business.  There was no one to come and stay with me.  As I realized this Thursday night—walking around in my backyard with my hands free device calling people as I watered the vegetable garden—I remembered what I had said to my mother when she was getting ready to leave.  I had told her that I was looking forward to having alone time with God, praying and reading my Bible.  I had completely forgotten and I had been trying desperately to figure out who could come and stay with me so I wouldn’t be alone.  But God hadn’t forgotten.

I’m not going to say that I spent the whole weekend praying and reading my Bible.  That’s not what happened, although I did do those things.  But what was so great was the fact that I never felt alone.  I wasn’t lonely.  For the first time, probably ever, being home “alone,” I knew I wasn’t alone.  God was with me.

His presence brought me joy and peace.  He helped me to see the many blessings in my life right here in my own home.  He reminded me that I am never alone and that I am loved.

I still can’t quite put the feeling into words … and that’s saying something, cause I like words and I’m generally good with them (Another gift from God.  Thank you, Lord.).  All I know is that I wasn’t alone this weekend.  God was more than enough to meet all of my needs this weekend.  It was an experience that I had been praying for.  And it’s one that has planted a renewed desire to draw closer to Him as I strive to be able to recognize every day that He is always more than enough to meet my needs.

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