Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

What did you do to honor your father this weekend?
How did you show him how much you love and appreciate him?
Do you have a bar-b-que?
Did you buy him a new tie or some gadget that he's been wanting?

What about your heavenly Father?

Not all of us have an earthly father that inspires love and admiration.
But we all have a heavenly Father that loves us dearly ...
A heavenly Father who knows us better than we know ourselves and loves us anyway...
A heavenly Father who will never abandon us no matter what happens or how we behave ...
A heavenly Father who has watched every mistake we've ever made with sadness and pain ...
A heavenly Father that still loves us so much, and desires our betterment to such a degree, that He became a human and died for us.

What have you done to show Him your love and appreciation?
What will you do?

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