Saturday, June 4, 2011

Flesh vs. Spirit

I (sherann) hear this a lot... "don't ask God for patience because He will give it to you."  For the past couple of weeks, I've been having issues with FedEx.  They didn't correct the address, the driver dropped it off at the wrong location, they didn't retrieve the package on the day they said they would, and finally... the package was on the wrong truck.  Let me tell you... I was upset!  Nothing seemed to go as planned, I really wanted this shipment, and in the middle of all this chaos... I was in a battle with my flesh.  My flesh wanted to be rude to the customer service representative.  My flesh wanted to say some not so nice things.  My flesh screamed "they don't deserve kindness!" My flesh wanted nothing more than to point the finger at them!  "It's YOUR fault!"
I deserve and have the right to feel this way, right?  I have the right to give them what they deserve, right?  And even though they were at the wrong, my spirit was screaming, be merciful.  My spirit was telling me to love your neighbor as you love yourself.  My spirit was telling me to be patient.  My spirit was telling me to be salt and light.  My spirit was telling me to BE Jesus.  I was definitely frustrated, but one thing I do know... even though I deserve death, He gave me grace.  "For it is by grace you have been saved..." Ephesians 1:8

What about you?  How would you react?

soli deo gloria

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