Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I (sherann) went to so. cal this past week for my niece's 100th day celebration.  It was nice and it's always a joy to see my niece. :)
On our way home, we stopped at Panda Express for lunch.  After getting our food, I went to the bathroom to wash my hands.  (Don't worry... it's rated G :) ) Now, this particular bathroom doesn't have paper towels but one of those air blowers.  So, here I am trying to dry my hands and i heard a flush in one of the stalls.  "Hmm... I thought I was the only one here... guess not."  As I was about to walk out the door, the stall opens up and I'm looking straight into the eyes of a man.  Yes, a man.  First thought... oh my gosh.. I'm in the wrong bathroom!  Second thought... wait.. can't be...  Third thought... walk quickly... keep going...  just go!  Awkward? yes.   Poor guy... I just gave this puzzled look and left.  What would you have done?  And has this ever happened to you?  What's more embarrassing... to be the guy or to be in my shoes?

let's talk.

soli deo gloria

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