Friday, May 27, 2011


My (Aimee’s) future is very uncertain.  School is about to end and I still have no idea what I am going to be doing this summer.  I don’t have a lot of bills, but you don’t have to have a lot for it to be too much when you have no money coming in.

I know I’ve talked about it before, but this is definitely the area in my life that I struggle the most with trusting God.  The Bible tells us that our Father in heaven knows our needs and that He provides.  And the thing is, I’ve seen Him do it!  I’ve seen Him do it in my own life more than once.  Yet, it’s still difficult for me.

So, I move forward with prayer.  I ask God to give me patience as I await His will.  I ask for clarity in determining His will.  I read my Bible.  I look for words of encouragement (and there are so many!!).  I remind myself of God’s love and provision in the past.  I seek to understand Him better.  It all helps, but it’s still hard sometimes.

Where does your trust waver?

What do you struggle with?

How has God helped you in the past?

What’s your story?

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