Monday, May 9, 2011

What Are You Afraid Of?

Do you let fear tell you what to do?

No?  Really?

Think about it … when was the last time that you didn’t do something because you were afraid?

There IS good fear.  Don’t get me wrong.  We should have a healthy fear of God (that means that we respect Him and His power, etc.).  We should fear stepping in front of traffic.  We should fear horrible feelings that would come with withdrawal from drugs or alcohol.  Things like that …

But what about sharing the Gospel?  Inviting friends to church?  Are you making fear-based decisions in those areas?  What if they don’t want to listen?  What if I can’t find the right words?  What if they get mad?  What if they laugh?  What if they don’t want to be my friend anymore?  What if …  what if … what if …

Or, what about where to go to college, or where to apply for a job?  Is fear making the decisions for you?  Afraid to go too far away from home?  Afraid that one college or business that you’d really love to join really won’t want you?  Afraid that once you get there you won’t be able to meet everyone else’s expectations?  Afraid … afraid … afraid …

Or, what about simply getting out and living?!  Are you afraid to hang out with friends cause you might be influenced to make a bad choice?  Are you afraid to go out with that cute guy or girl cause your heart might get broken?  Are you afraid to share your opinion with others cause you might get shot down?  These ones are definitely more tricky cause there’s a really good chance that any of these could happen.  They’ve all happened to me (Aimee).

Personally, I’m well aware of the fact that I’ve let fear make too many decisions for me.  I was fearless as a child, and I think that most children are.  Children have to learn to be afraid of playing in traffic, or of touching the hot stove, things like that.  But the important thing to remember is that while we should all carry a bit of healthy fear that tells us not to cross the street without looking both ways, no one should be at a point where they are so afraid that they won’t even cross the street or even go near the street.  Do you see the difference?  Healthy fear builds respect and allows us to move forward safely.  Unhealthy fear tears us down and keeps us from moving forward, ever.

Fear has held me back from doing many things that could have benefitted me in more ways than I can imagine.  Fear has stopped me from taking trips.  Fear has held me back from making new friends or from potential dates.  Fear has made me less generous with my money and my time.  Fear has given me an excuse to give into one of my biggest vices: laziness.

This is something that I finally became aware of only a couple of years ago.  Ever since then, I had been trying to open myself up more to what God has in store for my life.  I have opened my heart, my wallet, my schedule, and it has been great!  The biggest step forward, however, was less than a year ago.

I went to a conference with Sherann.  The simplest way to put this is that there were segues at this conference.  Sherann and I had the opportunity to ride them quite a bit.  I just had to let go of my fears and step on board, literally.

I watched Sherann get on (and she was wearing heels, let me add).  I watched her zoom back and forth, standing straight and tall, with the wind blowing her hair, and the biggest smile on her face.  I wanted to do it so bad but I was so afraid.  Finally, I worked up the nerve to get on one.  I stepped up with quivering legs and moved, jerkily, about 50 feet forward.  Then I came to a bumpy stop, turned incredibly s – l – o – w – l – y, and went back to where I started, and promptly got off.  I stood there, my legs still shaking, my adrenaline pumping, and inwardly screaming for the chance to get back on.

A little later I was able to get back on.  I stepped up and took off.  I leaned into it (which is the way to drive a segue) and sped off.  As I moved forward, with the wind blowing in my hair, drowinging out any other noise around me, I had a silent conversation with God that went something like this:
Lord, I’m sorry that I’ve been so afraid for so long.  Please forgive me.  Help me to let go of my fear.  I know that there are worse things than physical pain.  And I know that trusting you and stepping forward in confidence is the only way that I am going to do the things that you want me to do and the only way that I am going to enjoy this life.  Please forgive me.  Help me.  I want to trust you more.

Sherann and I rode those segues every chance we had over those few days.  I rode without fear, even encouraging others who were initially afraid to try.  It was a step forward, literally and spiritually.

So, the question is: What are you afraid of?  Are you allowing unhealthy fear to hold you back?  Would you like those days of living in fear to end?  God can help you with that.

What’s your story?

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