Wednesday, May 11, 2011

it's undeniable

One of my (Sherann) favorite shows to watch is 'What Would You Do'.  If you don't know the premise behind this show, it's about putting ordinary people on the spot... oh, and it's all captured on hidden cameras!  So, this past week they wanted to see what people would do when a pregnant teen tells a young couple (who had plans to adopt the teen's baby), that she had changed her mind on the adoption.  As these "actors" were setting this up in the middle of a sit down restaurant, the producers of abc wanted to see what people would do if the woman (who had wanted to adopt the baby) was left alone at the table.  In other words, after the confrontation, the teen storms out and the man (who wanted to adopt the baby) follows after her; leaving the woman to sit by herself.  Well, the next few minutes became quite amazing!  Two women who had overheard the commotion, stepped away from their meal and went to comfort the woman.  And guess what happened next??? They started to pray.  Yes, PRAY!  The camera men couldn't even intervene because of the sudden turn it took!  2 women+ strangers+overflowing with compassion+comforting a woman in distress= Praying to the Father.  Now, many people know that I don't cry in movies... (people at work call me "heartless" because of that fact) but as I was watching this... I couldn't help but TO CRY because it was so overwhelming!  I've seen a lot of documentaries, movies, shows, programs, etc.. but i've never witnessed prayer being THAT powerful on TV.  BUT, it doesn't end there! After the "act" was over, the actress who played the woman (who wanted to adopt the baby) ... started to cry!  John (host) asked why she was crying and she expressed... "even with the prayers, it just hit me..."  The power of His Spirit and His presence is undeniable... even in the midst of a set up scenario. "For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." - Matthew 18:20

What would you do?

soli deo gloria.

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