Friday, September 2, 2011

Anger Management

What do you do with anger?

Do you bottle it up?
Do you express it?  How?

Anger is a touchy subject.  Some Christians think that a "good" Christian never experiences anger.  But, not many.  After all, Jesus got angry.  We should feel anger at injustice, for example.  So then, the question really becomes, what should we do with our anger?

Recently, there was an incident in my (Aimee's) family.  I am feeling betrayed, hurt, and disrespected for both myself and my mother by someone within our own family.  I still love this person.  There really isn't anything that this person could ever do to make me or my mother stop loving them.  But, the fact remains, that I'm angry.

Exploding won't help.  When everything first happened, believe me, I wanted to spew words like a volcano all over that person.  I wanted to hurt that person like they had hurt me.  And spewing emotions like lava would burn.  But even in my anger I knew that exploding wouldn't help.  It might make me feel better for a minute or two, but that feeling would fade quickly only to be replaced by regret.  So, the question: what do I do with my anger?

I've been praying about it.  I've been asking God that question.  I've been asking God to show me what He wants me to do.  I am currently much calmer than I was.  I know that's Him working in me.  I'm not strong enough to hold it in all on my own.  But I still don't have the answer to my question.

What do you think?
What do you do with your anger?

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