Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bored with God

My (Aimee’s) pastor made a really challenging statement on Sunday that has been stuck in my head and my heart ever since.  He said (I’m paraphrasing): if you’re bored with God then you don’t know Him very well.

I have to admit, there are times that I have been bored with God.  It’s connected to those times when you feel like God just isn’t enough.  But it’s also looking for other things to do instead of reading my Bible, or spending time in prayer, etc.  The thing that’s kind of funny is the fact that I really enjoy spending time with God and spending time in His word.  After all, I’ve devoted almost a decade of school and a horrendous amount of money to an education that was all about getting to know Him and His word better.  Yet, there are still those times…

Then I started thinking about people all over the world who are so hungry for God’s word that they plow through their Bible from cover to cover several times a year.  People who go to church every day.  People who spend hours and hours every day in prayer.  And, not to forget, people who are so devoted, so full of God’s awesomeness, that they face humiliation, torture, imprisonment, and death all for Him.  They definately aren't bored with God.  And that's because they recognize God for who He is: an awesome, loving, powerful, merciful, God who is actually so many things that we can't even fully grasp it all!  Our God is absolutely amazing!!

It all makes me feel rather unworthy, and slightly pathetic.  But it also motivates me to seek out more time with my Lord and His word.  I still struggle with God being enough for me.  I still struggle with Jesus being the love of my life.  I’m encouraged by the fact that this is my failing and not His.  And I’m even more encouraged by the knowledge that God can help me with this problem.  I just have to turn it over to Him.

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