Wednesday, September 7, 2011


The only way to win big in gambling is to bet big.  If you are gambling, and you bet small and if you win you will get more back than you put in.  But not as much as if you had bet more to begin with. 

It’s a basic concept.  Not difficult to understand.  The bigger the bet, the bigger the win … if you win.  The problem with gambling, of course, is the fact that you don’t always win.  Plenty of the time—if not most of the time—when you gamble, you lose.  Hence, it's not recommended.

However, there are other ways of gambling that are good. 

Gambling big on God always pays off.  The bigger you bet, the bigger the return for the simple reason that it's not really a gamble; it's a sure thing.  It's a guarantee—just read your Bible if you don't believe me—that the more you give to God the more He will turn around and bless you.

There’s no guarantee anywhere in Scripture that God will give you everything that you want.  But we are told that God will provide for all our needs.  We only have to trust Him (a topic I’ve brought up several times before, I realize).

I’m gambling on God.  I was invited to join Sherann and her church on a mission trip in October.  I have no money to pay for my expenses.  I mean it.  No money.  My savings is run dry and I still have no income.  But, all the same, I said yes to the trip.  I’m trusting that God is going to provide because I believe that He wants me to go.  I’m gambling on God that it’s all going to work out.

Have you gambled on God before?  Lately?  Ever?

If not, why not?

If so, when?  Did it pay off?

What’s your story?

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