Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Does anyone have a mirror?

Christianity in real life? 
What does Christianity look like in real life? 

Well, it’s messy and imperfect, because we’re messy and imperfect.  We have good days and bad days; meaning we have days where we do a good job of reflecting Christ and we have days where we dismally fail.  On top of that, we have a world that doesn't want to acknowledge Jesus and wants us to ignore Him also.  The world doesn't care if we reflect Him.  In fact, the world would usually prefer if we didn't even try, because the world has different priorities and different definitions of what's good and bad.  That makes it even harder at times to truly reflect Christ to the rest of the world in our everyday lives.  That’s what Christianity looks like in real life. 

But the good news is the Good News of Jesus Christ.  He makes it so that we can have more good days than bad.  It’s in trying to be like Him—trying to reflect Him—and in allowing Him to work through our lives that we do any good.  The truth is, we can’t do it without Him.  It's all Him.  He works in and through us.  And thank God for that!  Without Jesus, and without His sacrifice for us, we would be lost and miserable, searching for what the world says we need.

Being human, we all still mess up now and then, and that’s why encouraging one another is so important.  When we’re having one of those (hopefully) rare bad days, we can receive encouragement from someone and we can turn our day around.  Sharing what God is doing in our lives and what God has done through us to help others  is praise to God and encouragement to one another.

What encouragement do you have to offer? 
What’s your story?

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