Saturday, March 19, 2011

it's called "random"

Two minutes till midnight and I (sherann) wanted to post a random blog. Who said structure was necessary?
Here's a question... If Jesus never saved you, would it change your perspective on life? Impact your decisions? If so, what would change? Or would anything change?

just a thought.

Soli deo gloria

1 comment:

  1. I have based my existance upon the fact that God created me for a purpose and though I was born into a sinful world there is a way that I can spend eternity with him. Through my belief in Jesus Christ i have faith that i will spend enternity with him and our Lord. If that wasnt the case.. if there was no hope of salvation, My whole perspective of God and my purpose in life would be unfounded. There would be no point to our creation besides God wanting some extra sculpting time. there is no way that i would live up to the perfection required to achieve fellowship with the almighty.
    I am so glad I have a savior that is willing to come and meet me in my pitiful place and lift me up to stand side by side with him as he helps me walk in the way of righteousness. :)
