Friday, March 4, 2011

My Ministry

Lately I’ve (Aimee) found myself feeling very frustrated with my ministry.  I want to work in the church.  I went to school and received 2 degrees so that I can work in the church someday.  I love it when I have opportunities to actually do ministry in the church.

Then, last week, Sherann and I went to a conference.  Several of the speakers made a comment that I have heard many times before, but this time it touched me differently.  I still felt frustrated when we left the conference, but not so much with God anymore, but more so with myself.

We’re greatly mistaken when we think that ministry is only something that is done in and/or through a church.  We are all called to be ministers; representing God, sharing God, everywhere we are, no matter what we are doing. 

The job that I have that pays my bills is not the work that I do in the church.  It is, however, a ministry opportunity.  I have a chance to represent my Lord and Savior everyday with the children that I work with, with the school staff and teachers that I interact with, and with the occasional parent that I meet.  It may not be the ministry avenue that I would have, or did, choose for myself.  But, God has made it clear that this is where he intends for me to be for now.  I’ve been here for 5 years!

If I could simply work on my attitude, work on my point-of-view, keep my eyes on Jesus even when I am in a public school, then maybe I would feel so frustrated anymore about how I want to be doing more ministry.  Instead, maybe I can fully realize the ministry opportunities that are already right in front of my face.

I’m going to work on that.  I am going to pray for God to help me work on that.

What about you?  Are you looking at your everyday life as a ministry opportunity?  Or are you missing those chances to share Jesus with someone else?

What’s your story?

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