Monday, November 22, 2010

Giving Thanks

Thanksgiving is almost here.  So have you been thinking about what you’re grateful for?  Have you shared your thanks with those involved?  God, your parents, your friends, etc.?

I’ve (Aimee) been thinking about it for a little while now.  I’ve been thinking about all of the blessings that I have in my life: my health, a home, food, clothes.  And I’ve also been thinking about how ungrateful I can be at times.  There are times when I complain about having to walk so far, but there are people who cannot walk at all.  I get bored with eating a lot of the same things over and over again, but (worst of all) I rarely make dinner myself, and there are so many people who barely have enough to eat to stay alive.  I wish my bedroom were bigger so I’d have more room for my stuff, but there are people who have to sleep in their cars or on the streets and who have only as much stuff as they can carry with around with them.

I do not want to be ungrateful.  And I ask God for forgiveness every time I realize that I’m even leaning in that direction.  God has given me so many blessings, and it would be absurd of me to expect Him to shower me with more when I’m not using what He’s already given me.  The first step is to simply be grateful!

Be grateful for what you have.  There are many in our world, in our own country, and most likely even in your own city who have to make do with much, much less. 

When you’re grateful, you’ll find that you’re also happier.  Happiness does not come from getting what you want, but from finding contentment with what you have.  I’m sure you’ve heard that, or something like it before.  It’s an old idea, but we forget it very easily.

Praise God for the blessings that He has given you.  Let your loved ones know how much you appreciate them.  Consider ways to share your blessings with others, both those that you already know and those that you don’t know.

I also want to encourage you to remember what you’re thankful for as we move into the Christmas season and we start thinking about all of the money that we’ll be spending, and that others will be spending on us.  How will you spend your time and money this year?  What are you going to ask Santa for?  Will you be taking time to remember and be thankful for the best gift of all?  The gift that makes Christmas something worth celebrating?  Will you use your resources wisely?  Or are you going to allow yourself to get caught up in the race for more stuff?

I know what I’m thankful for this year.  I’m going to continue to pray that God will help me to remember it all as I move forward from this Thanksgiving Day towards next year.  I’m sure that there will be days when I’ll forget, and I’ll be ungrateful, but I pray that those days will be few and far between.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all.  May God continue to bless you and may your eyes be open to recognizing those blessings.  Amen.

1 comment:

  1. This blog is good even though I read it after thanksgiving, it is to be thankful all year round.

    not to complain but to rejoice in Him. I am thankful for you (Aimee)

    Thank you God for Aimee.
