Monday, November 15, 2010


I (Sherann) love items on sale. If you think about it, who doesn't?
This past weekend I decided to head over to a Christian bookstore. I love books. I love opening new books, love the way they smell, and love the way they are so uniquely different. Anyway, I started to look over the bargain books and found several books that caught my attention. I was so excited to buy them since they were cheap and especially since many of them were ones I had longed to read. So after looking through the bookshelves, I ended up buying four books.
1. 3:16- Max Lucado
2. UnChristian- David Kinnaman
3. Chasing Daylight- Erwin McManus
4. Words from the Fire- Al Mohler Jr.

I started to read Max Lucado's book 3:16 and found some great depth and insight into the heart of a loving God. I wanted to share with you a paragraph from this book. It was so gripping.

" Since he has no needs, you cannot tire Him. Since he is without age, you cannot lose him. Since he has no sin, you cannot corrupt Him.
If God can make a billion galaxies, can't he make good out of our bad and sense out of our faltering lives? Of course he can. He is God."

So glad He is a loving and gracious Father.

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