Monday, November 8, 2010

Moving From Knowing to Knowing

Something occurred to me (Aimee) truly for the first time just the other night as I was talking to my mother about what God has been revealing to me lately.  I said to her that God already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me, I just have to keep up my end which is to keep my word and to work on my relationship with Him (not that I can do either of those things on my own, but perhaps that is part of the point).  Should I say that again?

God has already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me… 
God has already told you that He’s going to be there for you and take care of you

When it hit me I was a little ashamed.  For years I have been claiming that I trust God, and there have been times in my life when I have truly turned to Him with complete trust, but there hasn’t been any consistency to that trust.  God has already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me before I ever made any commitments to Him, before I was even born, He already loved me and was already providing for me.  I thought that I already knew this, but as I prayed with a dear friend the other day, it’s often easier to know something in our heads than it is to truly know it in our hearts.

God has already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me…  He said it when He led Israel through the wilderness and provided for their every need, reminding them constantly that He was their God and that they were His chosen people.  He said it when Israel was sent into exile and He let them know that He was still their God no matter where in the world they were and that they were still His people.  He said it when He sent His Son to seek the least the last and the lost so that we could know Him better, to know that He is our God and that we are His people.  He said it when He sent His Son to die for the sins of the world so that we might be saved and be able to join Him someday in paradise, because He is our God and we are His people.

God has already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me…  This is not a deal that is contingent upon anything on my part except one thing: I simply have to accept His Word, and accept Him.  By letting go and trusting Him, knowing that He is my God and I am one of His people, I have seen His provisions for me not only meet my needs but He has begun to surpass them and move into abundance.

At one of the conferences that I went to, one of the speakers challenged us by saying that we really didn’t have a right to complain that God wasn’t blessing us when He had already blessed us and we did nothing with what He gave us.  Why would He give us more if we haven’t been faithful with what we have already received?  He has blessed me with so much in my life and I have been faithful with some of it and that is unacceptable and shameful.  Through prayer and time in His Word God is growing me and I am being blessed more and more abundantly.  That is not bragging.  I’m praising God!

Casting Crowns, in their self-titled, album have a beautiful song called “Your Love is Extravagant.”  The first two lines say:
                        Your love is extravagant.
                        Your friendship, it is intimate.
We are so blessed to have a God that desires for us to know Him intimately and whose love is more extravagant than we could have ever deserved.

God has already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me…  I think that I will be repeating that to myself for a while.

God has already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me… 

God has already told me that He’s going to be there for me and take care of me… 


Let me correct myself:
God has already been there for me and has taken care of me ...

1 comment:

  1. You bring home a point that is important for all of us.

    He said it and we mouth the words. We need to meditate on them over and over.

    We may never grasp the impact of it totally, but wow if we could.
